Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Can't have it both ways.

I am such a bad blogger. I have so many good intentions but then something always pulls me the other way. I am glad I stay busy. Idle hands. You should know the rest.

Whiskey Attitude
Recently one Congressman from a Bible belt congressional district was asked about his attitude toward whiskey.
The politician responded, "If you mean the demon drink that poisons the mind, pollutes the body, desecrates family life, and inflames sinners, then I'm against it."
He continued, "But if you mean the elixir of Christmas cheer, the shield against winter chill, the taxable potion that puts needed funds into public coffers to comfort little crippled children, then I'm for it. This is my position, and I will not compromise."

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Scottsboro Alabama Storms

Ask anyone in the south "How is the weather". Crazy would be the word. It is never the same in any season. I turn on the heat one day & the air the next. Wear t-shirts one day & pull out the long sleeves the next. Never know what to expect. Would I move out of the South? NO.
My sister has tried sending me pictures she went out & made but they can't come through becasue of her server. A blog I visit has some pictures. This was no tornado just winds. The blog explains it. Be sure & read her blog. She has alot of good info.

Penny's Purse

Penny's Purse Storm Damage Pictures

Scottsboro Daily Sentinel this article explains what happened that have people

Jackson County declared disaster area

Ginger Snap Photo's of High Wind Damage

This is a picture from a friend of mine. She has some listed on Facebook. It is her car. Well..... was her car.

Friday, April 10, 2009

One Flaw In Women

God doesn't give you the people you want,
He gives you the people you NEED.
To help you, to hurt you,
to leave you, to love you
and to make you into the
person you were meant to be.

One Flaw In Women

Women have strengths that amaze men.
They bear hardships and they carry burdens,
but they hold happiness, love and joy.
They smile when they want to scream.
They sing when they want to cry.
They cry when they are happy
and laugh when they are nervous.
They fight for what they believe in.
They stand up to injustice.

They don't take "no" for an answer
when they believe there is a better solution.
They go without so their family can have.
They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.
They love unconditionally.
They cry when their children excel
and cheer when their friends get awards.
They are happy when they hear about
a birth or a wedding.
Their hearts break when a friend dies.
They grieve at the loss of a family member,
yet they are strong when they
think there is no strength left.
They know that a hug and a kiss
can heal a broken heart.

Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors.
They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you
to show how much they care about you.
The heart of a woman is what
makes the world keep turning.
They bring joy, hope and love.
They have compassion and ideas.
They give moral support to their
family and friends.
Women have vital things to say
and everything to give.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

When the moon hits the sky like a big pizza pie...

Came out of church tonight & seen this over the top of the back side. It was like a bright shining spot light over top. Isn't God amazing?

I have a new granddaughter

Annabelle Lillian LeBlanc
born April 6th, 2009
6 lbs 15 oz.
19 inches long

Exercise Pointers

-It is well documented that for every minute that you exercise, you add one minute to your life. This enables you at 85 years old to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $50,000 per month.
- I joined a health club last year, spent about 40,000 bucks. Haven't lost a pound. Apparently you have to show up.
- I have to exercise early in the morning before my brain figures out what I'm doing.
- I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.
- I have flabby thighs, but fortunately my stomach covers them.
- The advantage of exercising every day is that you die healthier.
- If you are going to try cross-country running, start with a small country.

Patient says: It isn't possible that I'm as overweight as you say I am.
Doctor says: Maybe you would prefer to look at it in a different way. According to this chart, you're about 10 inches too short.


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