Saturday, June 28, 2008

Please is it Monday yet?

My poor baby before the IV.

He was tuckered out from talking to the staff at the hospital.

Well cut to the chase!

My youngest, Matthew, broke his arm last night.

Once a month our church has a Parents Night Out. The parents pay one price & the church watches our children for us from 6:00 to 10:00 pm. Our date night. We head for the Mexican restaurant & then onto the movies. While 3/4's into the movie my phone was buzzing in my pocket. Has to be my daughter. No. It shows the name & # of church. I slip it out of my pocket & answer ever so quietly hello. I hear the words Matthew, broke & Dr with him. PANIC. I told her to hold on let me get to the lobby. Well Matthew was outside on the playground & the daredevil he is jumps from one of the steps on the play set to skip a step & land on the next. Makes it......almost. Lands where he should of put lost his footing & lands on his right arm. SNAP. I know so gross, gag me with a spoon. (Sorry that stupid valley girl talk jumped in my head from the early eighties) I ran back into the movie, grabbed my hubby, left my drink, got my candy & headed for the church in tears. My baby is hurt & I need to get to him. It took forever getting there. Seemed like an hour but only 10 minutes or so. I rushed in & the workers had him in a room calming him. We also had a seminar going on at church but we decided we wanted dinner & a movie out. We have several Doctors in our church so the staff headed for the fellowship hall & ask "Is there a doctor in the house". They actually knew who they were looking for already. He rushed to my babies side & evaluated him. Not in shock, yes broken clean, no other injuries. I was frantic & everyone probably thought I was some kind of crybaby parent. I HATE to see my children hurt. Now mind you this is my child that gets hurt ALOT. Daredevil. He will be the one that turns my hair white or gives me chest pains later. He broke the same arm 4 years ago. About the same spot. Has had stitches in the side of his ear, stitches at the front of the ear on the side of his face, a broke toe, a huge goose egg of a knot on his forehead & probably countless of other minor things that leaves me at the moment. Well back to the hospital. Our kind Doc at the church called ahead for us so we were rushed back to the ER room, IV put in bad arm/hand, x-ray's done, bones put back (we will skip the graphic part), & cast put on. We made it home but not before a quick trip to Wal-Mart for Tylenol. In bed around midnight. Matthew played inside most of the day. Ran next door by 10am to show off his cast. The little boy there just got his cast off. Another little boy a house over currently has a cast. 3 house in a row (that I know of). Just another day in our cul-de-sac. Matthew has been a trooper through this all. After the IV went in & pain medicine was put in he thought he felt good enough & could go home. He talked the doc's head off he had the nurses in love with him. The royal treatment.

Well after I called grandparents & told them what happened all I had to say was,

"We went to the ER last night".

They replied "What did Matthew do"?

I say guess!

They say he broke something!

I say "Guess what"

They say Arm.

Chris has a game one night after Matthew did. Matthew was playing at the side & this is what I caught him doing. I asked him what was he doing? His reply "I don't know, just hanging"!
Well stay tuned for the continuing saga of the Patty Family as we try to keep our sanity & stay safe.

All is peaceful at the moment. The boys are zonked out for the night. Hubby is asleep (& probably snoring by now). We are so tired. We have been putting in a pool liner today at the house. I promise to catch my blog up. I have so much to tell you & share. It quites the voices in my head. I am kidding. I have so much to tell everyone so I hope I can do it by blogging. Please drop me a comment every so often & let me know you are there. Well 4 minutes till midnight here in Mississippi. Maybe I can make it to the bed by 12. Forget it. Not me. Please if you run into me with bags under my eyes look past them & just give me a smile & all will be said.

Better go I have to go to the Lord's house tomorrow. Church that is.

Later from me,


Denise said...

Poor Matthew, never a dull moment at your house.

Anonymous said...

Bless your heart. What a weekend. Boys will be boys. Hope he heals well and you get some rest soon.


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