Friday, February 6, 2009

My Mother

One of the many things I do is keep the e-mail address list up to date for my Sunday School class. If anything needs to be sent out to an individual or as a whole I can do it. Most of the time it is a prayer request. We have a really large ladies class & we consider ourselves Prayer Warriors. Prayer is something my whole class takes very much to heart. We know without a doubt that the Lord is who you turn to for the answer to any problem you could ever have. Of all the prayer request I send out, today's to my class was for my mother. Here is what it said.

I have sent prayer request for different people but now this one is mine.
My mother (Catherine Adkins-64 years old) had been sick for a few days. She was thinking flu. She had a doctor’s appointment today. I have had my own prayer for some time that she along with my sister would give up smoking. The doctor informs her today if she does not that she will have to start breathing treatments. Her lungs after smoking for so long have become weak. My mother is now willing to lay her cigarettes on the altar & leave it to God to help her. Along with His help she thinks she can kick the habit. She has smoked for at least 48 years, give or take a few years of trying to kick it.
Please put my mother in your prayers for her to be able to QUIT for good.
My sister has yet to get a bad report but throw in a few words for my sister to be convicted to lay hers down.
My mother’s husband (Homer Adkins) had also been sick so they made double appointments & he was seen also. He is prone to get pneumonia really easy but the doctor says it is just a cold. Stay in, take some meds & he should be feeling better in a few days.
I will keep you updated a little later on of her progress.
The Lord is blessing us with a beautiful weekend so that should help matters.

If you have any words of encouragement my mother would love to have you e-mail her.

Leave your words under my comment section & she will read them here.

1 comment:

Denise said...

My prayers will very much be with granny cat, I love her. I am asking God to give her strength to quit smoking for good, and to feel much better. My prayers are also for Pam and Eddie, and Vickies husband Danny to quit smoking.


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