Saturday, July 26, 2008

Storms today

Well I'm not saying we didn't need the rain but........I could do without the strong storms. I went to drop my son off at a swimming party & before I could make it back rain hit like BAMM. Could barely see to make it to my driveway. Jeff had Matthew go & get in the inside bathroom until it passed over. Matthew took what was important to him. Our newest cat, MAC. Some kind of strong wind had dropped down. I had a plastic Adirondack chair on the front porch that wound up broken in pieces in a neighbors yard & several things blown around the yard. One of my poor little crepe myrtles about 8' tall didn't fair very well. You can see in the picture. Alot of limbs were down in our yard. I messed up an umbrella walking under a tree. About the time I went under a big limb fell & hit me. My umbrella that is. Our neighbor was not so fortunate. Bradford Pears are notorious for breaking in the slightest wind. They had 3 cars buried in one that snapped. Not much damage but still a headache to deal with. My neighbor had 2 sections of their fence fell into the other neighbors yard. That can be put back up. They have their house for sale also & the real estate sign was flat on the ground. I went back to pickup my son from the swim party. They didn't get the bad stuff from the storm but swimming was out. For some odd reason the hostess did not want water fried kids at the party. (I am kidding) They still had alot of fun there inside playing.

Any of my family that knows me can guess what I grabbed to go back out & pick up Chris from the party. DING DING DING We have a camera. Come on a storm comes over & me not take it with me. Get real.

My poor little crepe myrtle

Limbs scattered in the yard

The one that got me

My neighbor that didn't fair as well. 3 vehicles under this.

My husband in yellow. Mention a chain saw & tools & they are like kids.

1 comment:

Denise said...

Wow, what a storm. I am glad your family is safe.


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