Thursday, November 6, 2008

Boy what a day

Well another Halloween has come & gone. I say good riddance. I usually get the house all spooked up. We put out some decorations put not many this year. We are the house with fake spider webs on the porch with spooky music playing in the window. We don't get much of a chance to hand out candy. We usually take the boys around the neighborhood to trick or treat & by the time we make it back the biggest crowd has already come. We get some die hards still out late but by the time they come I am in my PJ's & warmed up from being out. The late ones do rack up on candy because to keep from eating it all myself I grab a large handful & dump it in their bags. Not the boys haul though. I don't have a death wish. As a kid I used to be really excited over my take at Halloween because we didn't get alot of candy other than Halloween. My boys are just spoiled from getting it all year. They have gotten into it some but not real bad. It is so weird how when they put it all in a tub together there was lots of little chocolate goodies. But when they go back it seems to have diminished. Weird! Right! wink. wink.
Well the door to door stuff was pretty good BUT....always a but.
Earlier in the day I noticed my toilet & washer acting funny. For treat or treating people in our neighborhood ride 4wheelers, golf carts or mowers around. Saves alot of steps. One year we decorated our mower to look like a train. This year not as elaborate.

Well get on with the night. Hubby came home from work, the boys were dressed up & it was getting dark. I had hitched the wagon to the mower. While in the front yard the boys & I heard a loud POW. we all went & looked toward the garage door. I thought at first someone had egged our garage door. We live on a cul-de-sac. No one had came in & not from the side. We would check the inside when we got back. Hubby driving the mower & the boys & I were in the wagon. We started out of the yard & the tire was flat on the wagon. We turned around went back to the garage to get some air in the tire from my husbands shop. We hit the remote & the door would not go up. (Remember the POW sound.) Well he went around to the side door & tried from inside. It would not go up. Deal with it when we get back.
We made our trip around the "Hood" as we call it. We get back home & pull the mower & trailer to the door. We get inside & put our stuff down & turn the lights on to alert trick or treaters "We Are Back". One the my boys comes to me & says " Why is the cats feet wet". Oh no, Did the little snot turn his bowl over? No, not something simple in this house. The toilet had erupted & had flooded my laundry room. Great! It seems at times all I do is clean messes. I always get stuck with the dirty work. Well the garage door is jammed & so is the toilet. Hubby come in & starts calling garage door places at night. He does talk to someone who promises to come out the next day & look at it. No problem! WRONG! Hubby has to be at work the next day & both the boys have a b'day party to go to. Ok, what is the problem? Both vehicles are stuck inside the garage. Well this great man comes & gets our door up in between jobs. He comes back later & replaces our springs & we are sprung.

While he is here, the plumbing guy is here also running a snake through our drain line outside. Since the half bath is not really used chances are something went through my line from the washer. Still can not be sure. We are always missing a sock here & there so I am convinced that is where they are going. I have a stash of socks that are missing a mate hoping the mate will come back some day but that ship has sailed. But as sure as I throw it away I will find it.

Well I have used the garage door several times, washed a few loads of laundry, ran my dish washer & all seems to be ok. Never gonna get this house back on the market. At this rate we will have all new pieces in this house.

Here is how my granddaughter got from house to house in the "Hood". What a life!

My daughter went for her ultrasound today....All is well & we will have another baby girl soon. Not sure of the date. I know...bad grandma. That will be another story later.

1 comment:

Patty said...

Well we've never had a toilet explode, but they have clogged up a few times. Only have used a plumber once. But we have replaced the springs on the garage door quite a few times. Ours is a double door, has two springs one on each side and it seems only one spring at a time breaks. This is stuff that makes life interesting. But also stuff I can do without, personally I like a pretty laid back, dull life. LOL


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