Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths. ~Etty Hillesum

That word (grounded) should not be in an adults vocabulary for themselves.

I have gotten a few days behind on my blog. A week ago yesterday I went up to our land to clear some briars. Nothing out of the ordinary. It was a beautiful day. I had been there for a few minutes & while swinging the swing blade I felt something funny in my chest. I sat down for a bit to drink my refresher drink (Mtn Dew). I know.... not very healthy. I got back up but still felt really weird. I got my cell phone out of the chair & put it in my back pocket in case I dropped to the ground & did not pass out I could at least call someone for help. Well a few minutes passed & I still was hurting in my chest. I was having a hard time breathing & catching my breath. Could it be a heart attack? Could it be a pec muscle pulled. The only thought I was having was "Please Lord don't let me pass out by the water. You know I hate snakes & I don't want to be their lunch." Well I didn't pass out but I loaded what I could back in my little wagon, left some stuff behind, headed for the truck & came home. I took a shower & sit down to relax except I couldn't. Well I am not a person that runs to the doctor but the next morning (last Wednesday) I had an appointment. You knew I was feeling bad because I missed my bible study class at church. (Stepping Up - by Beth Moore) My doctor did a full exam, listened to my heart, took my temp, took my blood pressure, did chest x-rays & etc. Things were normal. As normal as they can be for me. I had "Chest Trauma". (More info at the bottom) He had some fancy smancy word for it but I forget. All I was hearing was I over did it the last few days & just slow down for a few weeks. Well that was going to make my mother happy. She tells me that all the time. Well have I slowed down........well a bit. I haven't been swinging a swing blade since last week. My ladies softball team played last night & I wasn't there. I figured the throwing & batting would be a set back. See...I do listen to my doctor & husband. My house is a wreck but it will still be a wreck in a few days for me then. I have taken it easy. Really.

The boys have started practice for T-ball & baseball & I have been driving them to the practices. Cub scouts is winding down for the school year but the summer stuff for scouts is starting. I am now an official Tiger Cub Leader. My paper work went in Monday at the meeting.

Only 6 more times to meet for Wednesday night Kindergarten Missions class. Then we have a summer break for class. While I am typing this I am trying to finish an idea in my head for the craft tonight for missions class. It will be a card for Mother's day. We are using thumb prints to use as "Thumbody Loves you" "Me that's who". Should be fun. 5 & 6 year old with inked finger prints in class to get all over the place. :-O I need to finish the paper work to get in for Chris to go to christian summer camp in June for his 3rd time. Matthew's spring pictures came in from school. I need to get that order form filled out & get in. I have to take one of my dogs to the vet today for her yearly shots. Get back home in time for my youngest to get off the school bus. Boy... I am sure glad today is not a real busy day. I should be at bible study now but I really need to get my craft ready for tonight. I hate missing but remember, I am taking it easy. If I keep repeating that to myself I may can do it.

Recent Chest Trauma
Cause of pain
:Chest trauma of any type can cause chest pain by causing rib fracture or muscle strain or contusion. Not infrequently, seemingly mild chest trauma (sliding into second base during a weekend softball game) can be forgotten when the chest pain becomes apparent a day or two later.
Characteristics of pain:Chest pain caused by trauma is almost invariably localized, is often described as a soreness or a sharp pain. It usually worsens with breathing, and often the chest wall is tender to touch or to pressure.
Evaluation:Chest pain caused by trauma usually becomes quite apparent after the doctor takes a complete medical history, and performs a physical examination. Sometimes a chest x-ray helps in making the diagnosis.

1 comment:

Denise said...

Very glad that you are ok, praying for you.


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