Friday, April 4, 2008

Have I accomplished anything?

The days pass & I look back & have I gotten anything done? I have my hand in several pots stiring (Is that a southern saying?) I don't do those!)

The boys are great. Both had dentist appointments yesterday. Both had no cavities. Chris had to have a capped molar tooth pulled. It had been loss for a bit & the stubborn thing would not come out. While there the dentist did it for us. Boy that saved alot of whining & complaining around here not to mention what Chris would have done. When I was leaving to get them back to school I told them they would not have to go back for another 6 months now. My 6 year old shouted "Praise the Lord". The funny thing is he really meant that to the Lord.

My Wednesday night church Missions (w/Crafts) class----I have had so much fun taking over the roll this year. I always come up with a good craft I think. I want it to be something that is somewhat useful. You know the kind you usually get. You go to pick up your child from their room & they have made something that as soon as they are in the door it is thrown on the counter & as soon as they are out of the room you bury it deep in the trash so it is NEVER seen again. This past week we worked on a 5 peice puzzle that has to be put in the shape of a cross. Quite difficult. Even grownups have trouble. Our talk was even though life can be puzzleing in the end God has been in each piece of it." The Cross". I have attached a picture you can print it, cut it out & see if you can put it together. I will post the answer in my next post. I promise it is not a joke. It can be done.

The boys now have both of their baseball team assignments. Both coaches seem to be really nice over the phone. Practice starts Saturday. Can't believe the season is upon us. While fitting their games in I also play softball each season for the church league. We all have so much fun.

I got an e-mail a couple of days ago. I have found out what Russian Volunteered is. I believe it has to do with having a gun at your head & being told you will be doing something against your will. Part of it is true for me except the "against your will" part & the gun also. My youngest son will begin in Cub Scouts this summer. He will start as the rank of Tiger Scout. They haven't found a cub leader & have asked if I would be interested in doing it. I beleive I will. Tiger parents have to be present at each meeting so I might as well. I do like leading the younger ones & sharing the things I know. They are just young enough to not know the difference if I am just totally lost. We will be going camping this summer. Thank goodness my Webelo 2 will be sleeping on the ground in tents with his group but my husband & I will have a cabin with the Tigers. Me & the ground just do not go together.

Pray that the Lord will give me an answer if I should do this. I need the brick to the head answer.

Back to my Kindergartener missionaries. We have done several little mission projects this year. We collected food for the Sanctuary Hospice House, change for LeBonheur Childrens Hospital & still collecting Pop Tabs for LeBonheur. Our next project before we finish out our year next month is going to be the Humane Society here in Tupleo. Before you go out to ever buy your next pet please visit a shelter & save a life. The shelters all around are never for profit. They have a really low budget so they have to rely on the public to help. Our kindergarteners are so excited to get to help on this one. They have such giving hearts. We sent home a wish list to the parents & hope to collect alot in the next 7 weeks we have left.

---I had to throw this in. I am really not much of an April Fool's person. In other words I don't pull any major one's. Well we all got up to start our day & while the boys were eating breakfast I got on my laptop in the office to check my e-mail. I read a friends (C.P.) April Fool. So funny. She got alot of us. Well it hit me to try one. I went back to the breakfast room & told the boys because of the really bad storm weather that school had been delayed a couple of hours. You should have seen the cheers & jumps. How cruel---I had to tell them April Fools. They did not laugh as I did. Now to look back it was cruel (but so fun).

And after all of this we hope to get our house SOLD. Pray for a buyer for us.


Denise said...

Thanks for sharing your life.

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you.. I love being around you. You have such a sweet spirit.. Gina


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