Sunday, April 20, 2008

What a weekend!

T.G.I.M.-Thank God it's Monday!

Friday was my date night. My church offers one night a month to watch the kids for a small fee while the parents have dinner & a movie or do what they choose. We really look forward to it each month. Both the boys should have had a skate party to go to after school but Chris' school bus was running late. 40 minutes late. It rained ALOT here Friday. I figured she had took the long route & was dropping kids off at the door. Then I got that funny feeling you get & thought something was wrong. I called the bus garage & ask if they knew the location of the bus. I was asked "Are you one of the parents?" gulp, heart starts to pound! Seems like a whole minute went by. Then in a split second she said everything was fine. Someone had side swiped the bus. That didn't seem too minor. The bus was being cleared & should leave from it's location any minute. Within 15 minutes the bus dropped my precious cargo off. The party plans were now off. We talked & decided to skip the party & take them later. Maybe over the weekend. Matthew had gotten new skates to try so he was a bit disappointed. Maybe they will forget & we won't have to fit that in! Yeah, right!
Saturday was baseball practice for Chris. This years team seems to be pretty good. Really good hitters. Came home to do chores but hubby took off fishing at our lake. Rat. I pulled a few weeds but I am still taking it easy. I did jump on the mower & go around the yard. Chris tried to see if he could touch the peddles this year. Almost. Maybe by the end of the summer. I worked outside until it got about dark on me. The boys had rode their bikes to the neighbors a couple of houses over. I yelled & yelled for them to come home. No answer. I rode my bike over there. Jeff had took off in the truck with my keys in the glove box. I either had to walk or ride or a bike. You know they make those seats smaller & smaller now on those things! I pulled up to the neighbors house to ask if they had seen them. Answer: NO. OMG Where are they? I rode up the road to another neighbors house, they were not there. I seen a couple out walking & ask if they had seen 2 boys on bikes. They had seen them the other direction (our subdivision makes a circle). I rode that way & seen Chris walking back by himself toward the house. Where is Matthew? It hit me at that point. Construction was going on in an empty lot. They had both rode their bikes into it & was buried up in mud. Chris had finally given up & was walking back for help. Relief came over me but anger got the best of me. If only they knew the dangers of strangers. Notice no smile on their faces. They couldn't see the grin I was trying to hide. We all laughed later. Their defense----They were told to get outside & play.

After a long soak in the tub I believe the boys are back to being clean for now.

Sunday. The day of rest. We got ready for church & went. After church the boys were still holding us to SKATING. Can we go, Can we go, Can we go? Well, eat lunch & went. That was about the longest 2 and a half hours in all my afternoons. I had woke up with my back hurting from pulling weeds the day before & having a few chest pains from my current stuff. The boys come first. After we got home we tried to finish a couple of projects. I drug the tent out of the attic & glued some Boy Scouts patches on for camping that is coming up soon. Jeff finally took our screen door off the play room door to the outside & cut the side down to finally fit the opening. Of course it didn't go as easy as it should have. Does anything go easy?

Well Monday is here take a breath & start the week. Tonight is scouts. Laundry is piled up. Dishes as well. Baseball practice later. Did I eat yet? Have I gone to the potty?

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