I would rather be outside doing something, playing at our land we own, volunteering somewhere, at a friends house helping them with Internet/computer, being at bible study on Wednesday mornings, or planning my craft & mission lesson for the kindergartners that I teach on Wednesday nights. Well I did all the above & my house is still a wreck. I hate housework. Did I mention that already? Isn't there something about idle hands in the Bible? Well I don't have them.
Last week I was at the courthouse serving for our church Courthouse Ministry. Being out of the house, serving coffee & cookies & getting to talk about my God to people. Wow, that ministry is made for me. Hey is that why they picked me? I believe so. I serve with a great group of people. P.T. got me started & she has been a great encouragement. Something we all need when things seem to get us down.
I went to a friends house a couple of days ago to help her get her computer back up running right. She is really new at it but doing great. Everyone needs encouragement. I love helping people figure things out. I have been there & I know how it is. Thank goodness for jobs I have had with computers involved. That helps a great deal. I am no expert but the basics I can handle. My 63 year old mother got a computer & now she is like a pro. She doesn't know everything but enough to keep her up to date with the computer age. I am real proud of her. I love you mommie. She even has a digital camera that she sleeps with....just kidding but she does take it everywhere. She is just a little shooting pro now.
I just finished my latest bible study this morning. "Shepherding a Child's Heart" by Tedd Tripp. That guy is great. Now my kids will be perfect angels. If you believe that I have a bridge I want to sell you in Africa. But in all seriousness he is a great man. He had lots of useful info to try & do. How to really "talk" to your kids & make it stick. How to build a foundation for your children to carry them into adulthood. A must read. My next study starts after Spring break. A Beth Moore study called "Stepping Up" A Journey through the Psalms of Ascent. I can hardly wait. I have never took one of hers that I disliked. She has a true gift from God to teach. Her blog is terrific. http://livingproofministries.blogspot.com/ Such a funny lady. I am so blessed to have such a devoted church that really reaches out to its members & the community. Rather intimidating to some from the road but if only they would walk through our doors....wow. Always smiling faces to greet them & help them get to where they need to be in our hallways.
Well finally to finish off my blog entry. My Wednesday night kindergartners. I had an Easter craft project tonight that I thought may be over their heads but it was great. An Easter pop up card. We had a piece of paper with the words "He Has Risen" on it. I asked the general question "Could anyone read it"? Some came close but the risen word got most of them. The next question "What does it mean"? Well one little 6 year old spoke up & said it means Jesus rose from the dead after being crucified. Tears in my eyes........it was MY 6 year old. The child that came from my body. Wow...such a proud moment. Wow... could this church thing be getting through to them.....YOU BET. He has such an understanding for Christ & will make a Godly man. I can see how these little 5 & 6 year old seem a bit wild at times but all of a sudden they answer with the correct words. Not just guessing but actually knowing. I am totally amazed at the things they know. To lay my head down at night & know where my children's eternity home will be.
That is amazing. Those are God moments.
Well another southern day tomorrow. Will I do housework? We'll see. Well maybe....my husband will be back from a business trip & I have to let him think how hard I worked for days on end here. Our secret.... ;-)
Nice post, love you.
GREAT Blog, little Sis!!
Really enjoy reading about your life and times. It reminds me of myself 30 yrs. ago. YES, I SAID 30 YRS. AGO!!
Keep it coming, as the Terminator would say: I'll be back!!
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