Monday, October 13, 2008

Wow, What a day

What is better than having a root canal done? I could & would personally say......anything. My day started out having one done this morning. I have never had to have one. It was not as bad as I first thought. It was about like a tooth filled....then the pain hit & hurt like the dickens. I had to make a run to Wally World after to pick up a few things then headed home to unload my groceries & get some paper work to go make copies at the church. We had Cub Scouts at church tonight. I had not even gotten my lesson together. I can't believe it but I was actually ready by 6:30 for the meeting. Now back at home waiting on my neighbor to come over & tell me goodbye. She & her family have packed up lock, stock & barrel. They are now officially Washington state residents. They will be missed by a ton of people.
Well just another day & it starts all over again tomorrow.


Patty said...

Hope the root canal is feeling better today. So far, I've dropped off Granddaughter at school, stopped and picked up a gallon of milk, washed two loads of laundry and mowed the yard in front and back. Now it's almost time to fix some lunch and then dishes, after that I might take a very short nap before having to pick Granddaughter up from school. Have a great week.

Jawan said...

Katrina, I had my sixth (that's right, count 'em....1,2,3,4,5,6) root canal done last week. I'm sure they'll be a seventh.


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